Start of construction at laboratory BASF in Münster-Hiltrup
In january 2018 constructions of laboratory BASF in Münster-Hiltrup started. ahw Ingenieure GmbH did the planning of the structural framework and structural physics. The construction is flexible, with optional heightening possibilities, a large span length and prestressed concrete ceilings. The laboratory shall is going to serve for intern research, development and testing after completion.
There should arise technologies for example that converts foils to flexible solarcells by a special coating.
![Baubeginn Laborgebäude BASF Bildquelle: BASF](/images/News/2018/Basf/BASF-500x375.jpg)
![Baubeginn Laborgebäude BASF BASF](/images/BASF_500x375_.jpg)
Bildquelle: BASF