Donation for flood victims
Eric Helter, Engineer from Münster drove continuosly 24 hours with his racing bike at the Nürnburgring
For each round he passed his colleagues and his company donated 100 Euro for the flood victims in Münster.
Eric Helter, Engineer from Münster drove continuosly 24 hours with his racing bike at the Nürnburgring
For each round he passed his colleagues and his company donated 100 Euro for the flood victims in Münster.
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Telefon +49 30 2345698-0
Telefax +49 30 2345698-25
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D-06108 Halle (Saale)
Telefon +49 345 686965-0
Telefax +49 345 686965-10
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D-80335 München
Telefon +49 89 5204630-0
Telefax +49 89 5204630-25
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