ahw supports school building project in senegal
From december 27th 2015 until january 13th 2016 serveral management board members of Hand in Hand and our managing director Thiemo Audick along with his family traveled to Senegal to built a school sponsered by ahw in ACOL, community Ethiolo in Bassariland. The delegation was housed in a mission in Salemata in the south-east of Senegal, about 700 km away from the capital Dakar. The journey very quickly evolved to a quite extraordinary experience for both ahw-HiH party and the local residents.
Until now the local residents only knew european aid efforts in form of donations and occasionally visits and inspections. The senegal residents find a whole new dimension of cooperation and teamwork in this project. Every member of Hand in Hand helped vigorously, from digging the strip footing and producing the bricks on site to bringing up the walls of the shell and concreting the stiffening. Despite of heat (30° although it was winter in senegal) and heavy physical work, there quickly arised an intensive exchange between the parents and residents with the new "co-workers" from Münster. Also the youngest member of the party, Lena Audick (12) instantly clicked with the children. The shell was assembled in two weeks. After the departure the roof was built by the residents and in the meantime the school was painted as well.
Currently the furniture is bulit by a local carpenter. It is planned to inaugurate and start up the school until easter. We deliver a heartfelt thank you from the children, parents and residents to all who were involved in this project. In particular the employees of ahw who made this generous donation possible. We were promised to receive more pictures of the completed school.