Eric Helter at symposium "TRANSFER"
The symposium "TRANSFER" on may 15th 2014 in Dessau delve into different strategies of designing. With the help of their projects, famous referents examine the topic and indicate what they design while designing. The morning ist deticated to the architectural theory and history: Jasper Cepl of TU Berlin speaks about his biographical report and O. M. Ungers and Peter Thule Kristensen, head of school at Royal Academy of fine Arts in Copenhagen report on Architect Bindesboll and his museum for Thorvaldsen.
The afternoon is dedicated to the contemporary architecture. The following architects are confirmed: Hilde Léon (Léon Wohlhage Wernik Berlin), Johann Spengler (Steidle Architekten München), Eric Helter (ahw Ingenieure Münster), Axel Fickert und Kascha Knapkiewicz (Knapkiewicz & Fickert Zürich), Jórunn Ragnarsdóttir (Lederer Ragnarsdóttir Oei Stuttgart) as well as Ansgar Schulz (Schulz & Schulz Leipzig).