Opening German Football Museum
Since October 25th 2015 the German Football Museum has opened its doors for visitors in Dortmund. ahw Ingenieure Gmbh rendered the serivce of the structural engineering.
Since October 25th 2015 the German Football Museum has opened its doors for visitors in Dortmund. ahw Ingenieure Gmbh rendered the serivce of the structural engineering.
Gildenstraße 2h
D-48157 Münster
Telefon +49 251 14134-0
Telefax +49 251 14134-50
Mönckebergstraße 19
D-20095 Hamburg
Telefon +49 40 24424989-0
Telefax +49 40 24424989-99
Stromstraße 3
D-10555 Berlin
Telefon +49 30 2345698-0
Telefax +49 30 2345698-25
Emil-Abderhalden-Straße 19
D-06108 Halle (Saale)
Telefon +49 345 686965-0
Telefax +49 345 686965-10
Sandstraße 33
D-80335 München
Telefon +49 89 5204630-0
Telefax +49 89 5204630-25
Novapazarska 46
SRB-11118 Belgrad
Telefon D +49 30 234569828
Telefon SRB +381 116189605